Sunday 24 October 2010

Hunting for Thompson

It’s a Sunday, my new favourite day. I’ve never been a religious type, though I know many, and my family never did the whole Sunday dinner thing. But Sunday is fast becoming the pinnacle of my week for reasons that will become clearer later. Why the pause in stream of thought? Within seconds of starting this post I have been reminded of the early days of my family, before we became all fractured and for want of a better word ‘Fucked’. I’m sure this is the case for most of us. I’m also pretty certain that each of us believes some things happen in their families, just some particular quirks that are unique to that time and place. These are the things you’ve got to remember, for good or bad. There was a time when the Cox household met around a table, usually at around six, and all manner of hell would break loose. Mom had cooked, Dad had stewed in work (God help those kids, I’m sure were all familiar with those characters, they probably account for 40% of the murderers in this country). The usual course for proceedings is that there would be a horrific story batted around about some such event involving a standoff or torture and then the policing would ensue. It was an important part of daily life that my little brother (now worryingly 6’ 2”) was disciplined. This meant a dishing out of the sternum screw or similar agonisingly uncomfortable medieval torture techniques deployed by my father, the executioner, me the bailiff and my mother the widow. Good all-English fun: All a valid part of my upbringing and a testament as to how to raise a functional family.

But oh joy oh joy as Stimpy would put It, It’s is finally Sunday. The fairest of all days. Why? Because It’s probably the only day of the week I’m not stressed, not too hung-over and not to drunk: Refreshing after the throes of a week in architecture. Usually I’m either scuttling off to Sam’s without being noticed or trying to navigate my way just passed Brick Lane without being bombarded with the grotesque and the ‘all that is wrong with society today’ folk who tend to gravitate from the distant quagmires of Greater London and insist on displaying themselves in all their indecency and depravity to the likes of others, namely me, as seemingly the only person other than my girlfriend who is openly horrified by the company we find ourselves in whilst exploring the local area. Don’t get me wrong I know my peers get a regular and much needed flogging in the press and I for one would take great pleasure in battering the emaciated buttocks of the walking dead, but it doesn’t make it any easier. I almost combusted with rage the other day whilst pissing my time away in some godforsaken hole down the lane. Christ I thought, Is my prostate deceiving me? Or have I actually shat myself with contempt as I caught site of a ghoulish mannequin parked in the middle of the road, rigour mortise comfortably settling in, waiting, just waiting to be marvelled, snapped and probably bungled into the back of some tweed wearing perverts VW parked round the corner and molested perfectly in time to the grinding thump of a dub step beat. At least that would have been a prettier sight than she. Fuck me people can amaze me in this area. I’m not immune. Its bloody easy to sit here in my pricey flat, quiff my new haircut every morning and try and distance myself from these swine but I’m sure somewhere along the way it will all come back to fuck me sideways and ill cry into my silk neckerchief at what a bloody hypocrite I am, but at least it was fun. And the only things left bleeding in my wake are the few eardrums as I’ve ranted into you over the last few minutes. Thank god it’s Sunday and you can sleep it off.
Ignore me at all cost!

We did find a little treasure today that practically ‘made the day’ for me. A little shop by a name so shit it’s not worth repeating with the weirdest selection of literature I’ve ever butchered and keen prices to! It’s on Bethnal green road and at first sight you will probably vomit over the threshold and take the owner hostage in return for your lost lunch, but once inside its ‘kinda cool, man’. He’s decked the place out in all manner of relics from a time when writing not the soul you fuck! The bones! My god I think I’d top myself if the only way for me to get a good night’s sleep was to type my inner demons onto a sheet of pulp until my knuckles swelled. But it’s all here, all the horror of it, in one room. You have the devices that wrote the shit, laughing in your face as you browse the many semi-pornographic pulp novellas at your disposal. You ponder “Which would provide a much needed getaway in my 60min lunch break?” Luckily its almost all Sci-Fi so It’s perfect. You won’t have to learn anything, there’s the possibility of a stiffy or two (apologies for making you squirm) and whallah, 60mins wasted. Brilliant!

There was a reason for our return to the shop. In pursuit of a hotly anticipated book I’ve been meaning to read for the past year. But wait there’s more.......
We had ventured into the shop the previous day. We were in a rush and to the amazement of the owner I bundled us out of the door again within seconds of entering, quilted to the bone by the fact I was costing my girlfriend a job a minute (long story) but also just to fuck with his mind. I gave him the old ‘we’ll come back tomorrow’ lark that, after hearing it for the 100th time that rainy day must have given him a stroke. The only difference with this particular customer.....I had every intention of keeping my promise! So perverse was the idea that a man should open a shop in the middle of London selling nothing but pulp and rags, I had to give this man a proper looking over and shake his hand. Men of his calibre are hard to come by. Plus Interpol were playing on a continuous loop!

So we returned, he didn’t recognise us for sure, but I smiled anyway, my usual sinister gurn. I was on a quest for some Gonzo to add to my collection and this place has it! Fucking 1st American editions! Great stuff, so I snapped one up and gripped it so tightly it almost caught fire. I wasn’t done with this guy yet, ohhhhhhh no! Time to accost the fucker. Luckily he was lurking by his till/coffee maker (an ingenious contraption). First I slapped him round the face with a cleverly disguised compliment about the music playing (please It’s the only enjoyment I get out of life) then got to work. It soon became clear this guy was connected through a pipe expertly plugged up his arse. He knew his shit! I only had to mention Hell’s Angels (I know I know incredibly mainstream) and we were talking firsts for under £20. Ho Ho. So I swiped one of his pristine business cards (always a sight which brings a tear to my eye, that sends me into a gushing frenzy when I realise they’ve started to yellow...) and promised to email him a confirmation of my interest. So there we have it how a few small events can be spun to seem like the actually matter when in fact it was a load of boring shit.

Other events this week? Don’t get me fucking started or we’ll be here another week. Let me summarise. Gassing a street followed by a major comedown and possible firing. Witnessing a soirée turn into a stomach wrenching hell hole of a rave (fuck you it was....or at least as close as I ever want to get to one). And finally a meal so tasty I could eat it all again right now, which is saying a lot for Bethnal Green Road.
Sorry for boring you, but if I had one recommendation it would be to harass that bugger on my road, go on pay him a visit and steal a book from me!


Monday 18 October 2010

It has been a long time hasn’t it.

Well here we are again. Only slightly late for work (16mins, I think that’s pretty good considering this is rush hour, London, wait a minute….. Isn’t it always rush hour in London?). But I manage to make it in every day and I’m still really enjoying it! Sure I’m a bit of a lackey but what more could I want. I get to pour over plans, sections and elevations all day long, picking out problems and correcting things. It bloody architectural forensics which is a good way to learn. Of course it can’t be all I do as I would end up topping myself. There needs to be a balance between work and play and maybe a little more work…. I went back to University the other week to pick up my alumni card. Turns out I can access the Library and some other services now I’ve graduated. Let me tell you this is a great thing! I can read all the journals and books and basically study. I know what you’re thinking,
“There is no way your going to do more studying after work” But to be honest I’m well excited. Anyway enough of that self interested malarkey. I have work to do.

I’m not going to attempt to cover the last month or so as there was a reason I didn’t post anything….stress. I know I don’t know the meaning of the word but RSI and eye-strain took their toll and the last thing I could bring myself to do was post. Needless to say I’ve missed out on a lot. Namely the whole miners thing but you know I’m kind of glad. It means I might not get bored so fast as they insist on repeating and re-hashing it for the next decade (Diana, say no more!) There are no promises as I’d be an arsehole to think I could keep them but I want you to know, my intentions are good. This blog will proceed! As convoluted and agonisingly written as it may be.


Wednesday 15 September 2010

Post from work 02

Hello again, Its been a few days and I have a little bit of time as I'm waiting to go to site with Richard. Were going to go to the Park Site (Grade II Listed Building) to take measurements and record the Interior Elevations. I have my trusty Nikon to hand and am eager to get snapping. The only thing holding us back is the fact that term has aparently started (it's amazing how quickly you forget about things that no longer concern you) and the girls will be all over the place. So in short we have to wait for the opportune moment to strike!

Im still working on those elevations as there so complicated. I hope they will move on a lot faster once I have been to the building and understand it better. All things have been changing to be honest as we gather and post-rationalise. This week has just been a couple of long haul days spend slogging away on the computer. There has been little time for Hunter but I intend to put that right sharpish!

Met up with Vortex last night and got completely drenched on the way! So I drowned my sorrows with a couple of swift pint's and then went home a tad sozzled. I ended up watching the film Lars and the real girl. It actually seemed pretty good, though that could have been because I had my beer goggles on! I shall have to resume it at some point as I fell asleep.

The thing is with working in a practice all day is the last thing you want to do at night is look at a screen of any type. But even so my whole life seems to revolve around screens. I cant get away from them! So as i was zombieing in front of my laptop on Monday I had the random urge to watch Mad Men. Don't as me why! but it just happend. So I've watched several episodes and like most things I miss the boat and end up liking them 1. After the actor dies or 2. When it' in it's billionth series. But the main thing is I'm enjoying it! So join me and watch it to!

Today i signed up (properly - long story!) to BD Magazine and I get my fist copy on 24th September, so watch this space for the overview videos. I hope they appeal to people who subscribe or have access to the magazine but would like to get a quick overview on the day of release so they can read it in their leisure. So I will let you know when the first ones up!

Well it must be time soon to go, and honestly there are many things I could be doing to save me time in the future.

So adios

Sunday 12 September 2010

Little Time

Hello again, yes I know it’s been days since I last showed my tired face, but it's been a fun few.

Wednesday 8th September: Today I had organised a meeting with the guy who organises and monitors ICosnet, the online database with which we communicate with other people working on the project. I had uploaded some drawings with the wrong information and all hell broke loose. I had people commenting on them saying ‘yet again the wrong information’. All of this after my first time uploading anything, let alone having never seen the website before. So I get a call from Stuart who very kindly agreed to come in and sort me out. He spent an hour of his time taking me through the procedure of uploading correctly and made it all clear. So now I can do it!

I also had a meeting today as the internal elevations of the school project I’m working on are taking longer than expected. Don’t get me started! I’m not the greatest CAD Monkey in the world but good god I can draw a straight line! Something the person who originally drew the drawings couldn’t.

Thursday 9th September: The slog of a day. We had an internal deadline for the elevations to be uploaded. This would prove a hard task. They're taking ages. It would appear that when surveyors draw plans from an existing building they only consider the room to be from one metre below. This is fine most of the time but when you have sky-lights this becomes a problem. As so many people have been working on the project over the last few months, only a handful of workers have ever actually been to site. So we're all working from the original plans and some dodgy pictures someone papped on their iphone on the way around, being careful not to catch any school girls in the process. We have discussed the prospect of me going to site as the chances are I will be working on this project for the foreseeable future. This was met with mixed opinions. You see school has started and the thought of me wondering in taking photos sends shivers down the spines of the directors. One architect actually asked whether I had a criminal record! So it may or may not happen.

Time draws ever closer to the deadline and as I had previously informed them I would be taking this Friday off stress levels were soaring. In the end Richard (project leader) gave in and said we would have to clear up this shit storm next week. So it rolls over. I’m tired as it’s been a four day week. Don’t laugh! So tomorrow I have the day off. Well when I say off I mean I’m going to Siobhan’s graduation ceremony at UCL and I’m actually looking forward to it as there’s little stress for me and I get to see her receive the congratulations she deserves.

Friday 10th September: The day of the Graduation. We're in a hotel, as ridiculous as that seems. But it was booked before we could guarantee we were going to stay in London for another year. So we had moved in last night and the conditions are very nice. En-suite and breakfast included, it certainly made the weekend that bit more special as though we were away from home on holiday. The ceremony went well with the standard robes looking as ridiculous as ever and some dodgy canapés at the after party that were suspicious in colour. Had a few glasses of champagne and Pimms. They couldn’t seem to want to get rid of the stuff any faster. This prepared us for what was to be a very boozy day. Pint with dinner, pint in cafe, two pints in pub then by the evening I lost count of both the number of drinks and also the amount of money I was spending drinking myself into an early grave. At some point in the middle of all this I managed to sit through a showing of Chicago at the theatre and laughed my head off. What a preposterous show! Loved it!

Saturday 11th September: Nursing the worst hangover I’ve had in months I gobbled up the rest of the chips still festering in the paper bag from the night before. Yes we had gone to Burger King at about 01:00 and had quite the eventful trip. I was desperate for a piss as per usual so I raced to the bogs. Only to be restrained by a burly arse who proclaimed that entry to the Burger King Lavatories and all the splendour within was restricted to paying customers only. Riled up, bursting, desperate and tanked this made me furious and regrettably I let loose a tirade of abuse more suited to an east end dog fight that a respectable establishment such as the King's Burger. Luckily he wasn’t being paid enough to give a shit and soon wandered off to ogle some comatose fourteen year-old and snuck down to the water room. Upon my return I greeted him with a jovial pat on the back and made my way to the counter (Christ knows why he put up with this I'll never know, but I’m not proud of it, I better than some should know the uselessness one can feel being trapped between management and the customer). Still, as those who know me will testify, I paid them three fold and upgrade my order to the Optimum (super) size. Totally unnecessary but I like to show off in these places as it makes me feel big to order the most expensive thing on the menu, even if this brings me change from a fiver! So Saturday morning, afternoon, evening and night was spent nursing a hangover and the social stab wounds I had received from the night before. I hate alcohol and the bastard it makes me become!

Tuesday 7 September 2010

09:00 - 21:00 Today.......... Hardcore

Post from work

I am writing this in my lunch break at work. I was going to do it on my Blackberry from a cafe but there was no reception. So I had better start with yesterday as last night I was too tired to write anything :(.

Yesterday I was working on some maintenance drawings. Stuff to guide people on how to clean the windows. Boring when you say it but pretty hard to do. Especially because I'm coming into the project late and don't know all the ins and outs. There were loads of problems as a guy ended up working on the same files as me by accident and we messed each other up. So that set me back by a couple of hours! I had to stay late to load the files onto an online system called either Costain or iCosnet I'm not sure which (they may even be the same damn thing, it gets confusing).

So in the end I left work at 20:30- thats eleven and a half hours!! Good going. Let's hope they take me on, if only for my dedication to even the most menial tasks, haha.

Today I received feedback on the files I uploaded. They all got okayed but we also received feedback from some others that had been done before I arrived. This was classic :D The guy had opened up the files to find blank pages and loads of stuff missing haha! This happened because they ran out of time. It made me laugh anyway. Now I'm working on some internal elevations. I'll tell you later how they turn out but this could be a late one!

Chow for now!

Sunday 5 September 2010

My time at HKR Architects begins

For the next four weeks I will be interning at HKR Architects in London.

Wednesday 1st September: I got an email from the office asking whether I was available to come in at short notice and help them out on a project that is near completion (being prepared for planning permission). Needless to say I jumped at the opportunity and was excited to hear him ask if I could come in tomorrow for an induction. I needed to get my act together. Shirts would need to be bought (I remembered from my interview that most people, at least the directors, wore suits). So I rushed over to M&S on Oxford Street and picked up an emergency supply. Who am I kidding, I have no style!

Thursday 2nd September: I have a 09:00 start so I make sure I leave myself enough time to get ready. I still leave the house late and I am forced to take the Tube there, not pleasant on a warm Autumn morning in a suit. When I arrive at Waterloo Station it’s a familiar walk to the office as I remember the way from my interview. I had met Simon and Hin, both directors at HKR, at the Studio and we seemed to get along, so at least I would know some familiar faces.

When I arrive at the office it’s pretty empty, Karren, the office manager, has just arrived and I introduce myself. She’s nice and chatty and she shows me around on a little tour. The office is housed in a converted railway arch near Waterloo. There are two floors with a mezzanine propped up on columns. They have all the usual stuff, meeting rooms, break off rooms and printing facilities. Karren is also keen to introduce me to the office recycling bins. This is something I realise early on, a lot of the employees cycle in to work or use public transport.

After the tour finishes she takes me to my desk. Yes that’s right! I don’t know what I was expecting but this is my first time working in an office and I’m well excited about having my own desk!! I get a computer too, obviously. The desk is right next to Simon’s. So If I need any help I can bug him. Simon took me off and introduced me to the project I would be working on, feeling it important that I knew a bit about its context and history. It’s a girls' school in Lewisham that wants to expand; HKR are providing some new buildings and planning the surrounding context.
My first task is a simple one but one I found a challenge. I had to scale up nine plans from 1:100 to 1:50 and set them out on a page in the ‘HKR’ way. I won’t bore you with the details, but trust me this was hard for some reason and took me the best part of two days!!

I work with a small team of crack architects dragged together to save the project as we are close to completion. Richard, John , Simon and Niall all have other projects they are working on also but they are covering this one too, with Seamus (not the tutor!) popping in now and then, as the project used to be run by him. The task is fun and I feel like I’m really contributing something to this project, which is nice.

I worked from 09:00 to 19:00 staying as late as the other architects.

Friday 3rd September: Ok so I’m still working on those plans and they are hard as I have to change a load of shit on them to make them work at the new scale. Simon tells me he needs the files uploaded onto the ‘system’ by tonight so there is the added pressure, but one I embrace as the whole experience is still exciting. I can’t believe I’m actually doing it man!

I find out at one point that due to a lack of communication between the people working on the project, a guy I haven't met from upstairs has been slowly (and wrongly I might add) undoing my work. This causes all sorts of mayhem and I’m set back a little. Despite all this we actually get the files up and running by the time I leave. And yes it has been another long day, with me arriving at 09:00 having walked there, and leaving at 19:00 again with a long walk home. I worked it out that I’m walking 5.6miles a day, which is good going!

Saturday 4th September: What is this? Work on a Saturday.....Nay! Well yes, it seems this is the case as its coming up to the deadline. I actually like the sort of camaraderie of being in a team and working over time. I’m sure it will wear off but for now it makes the whole experience even more authentic. I get in at 11:00 today as I think we all needed a lie in. Simon is pleased to hear the files were uploaded successfully and I start on the section. This one is harder as it’s a file I have to draw. The office uses mostly Microstation for plans which is lucky as it’s what I’m trained in. So I will be drawing a section through the school building using referenced plans as my guide. This is harder that I thought! The surveys carried out on the existing building are all wrong, which makes my life difficult, but I plough on. At 18:00 we're all tired and I leave for home. Only seven hours today but I’m well tired.

Sunday 5th September: Ok so it’s today and my first day off after my hardcore three day week. It has been one hell of an induction and man I’ve loved it! It’s bound to get more stressful as the closing date draws near, but I say bring it on man! I shall try and keep this blog updated every day, the past few days I’ve been too tired in the evenings to look at another computer screen but I’ll make the effort! So I hope that explains why there are three days worth of posts on here today. Wish me luck.

Wednesday 1 September 2010

It worked

Well to be honest it wasn't my doing. I now have a job for the next 4 weeks at HKR Architects in London. The job came about due to the efforts of Seamus (for setting it up), my family (for supporting me) and maybe a little bit for me doing the work. To be honest I just feel lucky to get it and I know I'm going to try my very best.

So now I'm left with a small dilemma. I'm no longer an unemployed Part One! At least for 4weeks anyway. So where does this leave my blog? Well its going to change for a while. It's definitely going to be more positive. It's going to be more architectural. It's going to be about life at HKR! May as well make the most of it while I'm there.

I'm really excited and can't wait to step into the office. I hope I'm going to up my game and also my blogging. Now I have the opportunity to record life in a great practice. So I'm off now to buy some shirts and look forward to my first post as an architect.

If you're still looking, keep trying. They're out there!

Tuesday 31 August 2010

The Big Dilemma

In a way I’m glad. In a way I’m not. But however you look at I have got to choose one of them. Yes that’s right, as of ten minutes ago; I’m a lucky bugger that has two job offers. The first is with recruitment firm Oyster Partnership in London. This one lasts up to 12 months and will pay for me to survive. The second is a 4 week internship at HKR Architects. Don’t know much about this one, only that I liked the practice and they have already interviewed me. Both are such great opportunities I have no idea what to do!

So I’m sitting here trying to figure it all out. I like them both. Both have good experiences to offer for my career, but gosh darn it I can’t decide. I will keep this blog posted on my decision.


Notting Hill to Noodle King

I don’t seem to be able to update this blog as much as I would like to! I get so bust I actually forget all the stuff I have been doing and can’t post stuff up. It’s been a good few days. I found myself at the Notting Hill Carnival. It was almost over by the time we rolled up but you got the gist.

My brother came back from Paris with April and I proceeded to show them the underbelly of London’s drinking culture. Namely the dive-that-is The Rocket on Euston Road, and quite possibly the best pub I have been to in London, the Bree Louise near Euston Station. Great night! Much alcohol was consumed, not for the sake of it mind; but because the latter has a fine selection of ales. Dark Star was my regular pint. A kind of soapy looking pint with no bubbles or head and completely opaque. Basically it looks like oil! Brilliant stuff.

Siobhan’s parents were down for the weekend also, this culminated in a rather depressing visit to the Imperial War Museum, specifically the Holocaust exhibition, which was moving to say the least and put a bit of a downer on the whole day really. Only slightly remedied by a Noodle King (cheapo Chinese restaurant near us). Good God I love that place. It shouldn’t be good- it just is. I always get the same, tofu and green peppers in black bean sauce; this had to be watered down with a pot of Chinese tea. All of which comes under a fiver which as always is a bargain, thus why we go there. Us vagrants must survive you know!

Until....about five minutes actually when I tell you some more news which I feel needs its own post oooooooh.....